Amanda Micklesen, Owner, shares how COVID-19 has changed the way buyers are designing their homes.

It’s been a crazy year since the COVID-19 first started about a year ago. Since then, custom home design trends have changed drastically as homes now must meet the needs of families spending more time at home. At Tanzanite Homes, we now are designing spaces to serve more functions, such as an office, gym, school, playground, and more. Homes must be versatile, with the ability to transition from one function to the next. Rooms are becoming more multi-functional as they serve as offices, classrooms, and areas to relax and reconnect with family members. Layout and promoting productivity are a big focus, but these areas must be aesthetically pleasing as well. Even after the world returns to ‘normal’, we foresee many of these trends becoming the norm as families stay together longer and in larger groups as many aging parents choose to stay with their children instead of entering a retirement home. 


Home offices are the most requested custom home layout feature. Even before the pandemic, many individuals were beginning to transition to freelance work or jobs that could be done even part-time from home. For many, working from home will continue long after the pandemic as employers have realized the benefits of working remotely for many of their employees. This begins with a private, quiet space for an office or even a dedicated workspace built into another room. 

In addition to a home office, areas for school or homework are frequently requested. Built-in desks in children’s rooms are becoming more popular. 

Rethinking Floor Plans

Open floor plans have been popular for years, but as families started to spend more time together in the home, there has been a shift to more traditional home layouts. Newer custom home floor plans allow rooms to flow seamlessly into each other but remain more closed off to create individual, private areas that can be dedicated to different purposes. Homes are accommodating more functions, with designated areas for specific activities for entertainment, physical activity, working, and studying. 

Another popular new addition is a multi-functional ‘flex’ space. In an older home, many are converting formal dining rooms into a space to meet this function, but a custom-designed home allows the family to make this space meet their needs. Many families are using this flex space to create an area for their favorite hobbies. At Tanzanite, we’ve had rooms designed into the floor plan for a woodworking room, craft room, art studio, or family game room. 

Home Gyms

Whether it’s a dedicated room, space, or addition to a garage, home gym areas are frequently requested in Tanzanite custom home designs. As many gyms and health clubs closed during the pandemic, many realized the benefits of working out from home. During these tense times, having a space with work-out equipment, weights, or a TV to stream workouts provides many a much-needed break. Soundproofing with additional insulation is another popular gym request as many want to contain loud music or exercise machine sounds in the gym space. 

Personal Indoor & Outdoor Retreats

Inside the home, Tanzanite is regularly designing bathrooms to be a personal spa. Large soaker tubs in a tranquil bathroom space create a serene atmosphere that can be enjoyed by the homeowner for years to come. 

An outdoor oasis is also being incorporated into the exterior and landscaping designs of Tanzanite custom homes. Larger decks, fire pits, pergolas, and swimming pools are being installed to create the perfect outdoor retreat. Outdoor spaces are quickly becoming an extension of the interior of the home, expanding the liveable space. The popularity of gardening has also grown during the pandemic, with many turning to this relaxing outlet to not only spend time but to feed their families healthy, home-grown produce. 

At Tanzanite Homes, we want to be sure you get everything you need from your home. Let’s schedule a time to talk about your wants and needs for your next home so we can make it a reality.